Dr. Khirkhah Surgical Center is the first modern surgical center in the country with a German style and design, equipped with German materials. The center features 7 operating rooms, with all walls and recovery rooms made of stainless steel, German Geoflor flooring, and a modern central ventilation system that ensures zero contamination in the operating rooms. The center also boasts professional cooling, heating, and air conditioning systems, complete with oxygen generators, compressed air, central suction, and separate surgical floors for eye, ear, nose, cosmetic, general, urinary tract, lithotripsy, orthopedic, and gynecological surgeries.
Center doctors
Clinic departments
Medical services
Surgery & Anesthesia
Surgery & Anesthesia In Dr.…
Heart The cardiologist must first…
Eye Operating Room
Eye Operating Room In this…
Hair and eyebrow transplantation
hair transplant Hair transplantation is…
Laser clinic
Laser Clinic Dr. Kheirkhah Beauty…
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
ENT or otolaryngology
ENT or otolaryngology Annette is…
General & Plastic Operating Room
General & Plastic Operating Room…
Kidney and Urinary Tract Operating Room
Kidney and Urinary Tract Operating…
Bone and joint surgery or orthopedics
bone and joint surgery or…
Gynecology Operating Room
Gynecology Operating Room The specialty…
Skin and Hair
Skin & Hair Clinic Services:…
Medical Pamphlet
Contract party insurances
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