One of the units of the hospital is the International Patients Unit.One of the units of the center is the International Patients Unit.This unit has established in order to create welfare and medical services such as coordinating the issuance of visas, transfers and hotels, diagnostic and therapeutic measures, and finally surgery and post-operative services. The method of referral of international patients to this center is in two ways: the patient goes to the hospital without coordination and directly, and then with the help of the international IPD care team, the diagnostic measures are performed. The patient comes to Iran with prior coordination through "companies facilitating diagnostic and therapeutic services to international patients" or an IPD expert (by sending his/her medical documents and records by email or WhatsApp) considering the necessary facilities for check-up, hospitalization and stay, and with the help of the IPD team, the necessary measures are taken for them. During the entire period of the patient's hospitalization, the IPD specialist visits the patient on a daily basis to ensure his satisfaction with the services provided. If the patient mentions a problem, it will be followed up by the IPD unit and the problem will be solved. After 3 to 5 days of discharge, the medical team will contact the patient to follow up on the patient's condition, and if the patient has questions about his current condition or how to take medication, dressings, or self-care, the medical team will respond. And if necessary, a second follow-up will be done a few days later through a phone call.
Isfahan Province, Kashan, Amir Kabir Street, Shahid Zahiri Alley (Makhmal 10th), Dr.
Khairkhah Subspecialty Surgery Center