Kashan, Amir Kabir Street, Shahid Zahiri Alley (Makhmal 10th),

Phone Number :+98(31)55154000 | info@drkheirkhahhospital.ir

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Abdominoplasty or abdominal surgery is used to remove excess tissue and fat in the abdominal area and shape it. Hebdo plasty is very different from liposuction and lipomatics, and its method is chosen by a specialist according to the percentage of fat volume and abdominal tissue.

Hebdo surgery or abdominoplasty is the last solution for people who are struggling with the problem of too much fat and loose and sagging skin in their abdomen and sides. When weight gain is excessive and for a long time, the skin, body tissues, and abdomen become stretched and sagging. However, weight loss alone may not be able to solve the problem of excess skin and tissue, and an invasive surgical method such as abdominoplasty or tummy tuck may be required. Another issue that exacerbates the need for abdominoplasty is the history of pregnancy and pregnancy. In this case, the abdominal muscles also diverge from each other and cause an inappropriate appearance of the abdomen and midbody. As you can see, these problems cause the abdomen to not look the same as before, and the need for effective and practical surgery such as abdominoplasty is completely felt.