Kashan, Amir Kabir Street, Shahid Zahiri Alley (Makhmal 10th),

Phone Number :+98(31)55154000 | info@drkheirkhahhospital.ir

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Laser Clinic

Dr. Kheirkhah Beauty Center Laser Clinic benefits from the latest generation of lasers in Iran 2022, which (Honkon Company), which according to laser professors, is the most powerful generation of laser devices imported to Iran so far compared to all brands. HONKON laser machine has three wavelengths: alexandrite, diode, and indig, suitable for all types of skin types, 1200 watts real, has 20 million real shots, has a high-power and high-power laser, with ultra-high energy, made in Germany, has a three-in-one cooling system, completely safe, painless, and burn-free, has a separate handpiece of the facial type, which has a 360-degree rotation. This device easily treats areas such as ears, nose, beard lines, and hairline, and has FDA approval from the United States and CE in Europe.
